Shift Hike Mount Equinox - Sat Nov. 19th

Update* If some people wanna drive up the auto road instead of hiking that’s cool too. Its $12 bucks info here:

Prolly not gonna be a lot of interest in this but I thought I’d throw it out there.

This Saturday I’m gonna hike Mount Equinox in Manchester VT with my dog. Figured Id see if anyone wants to trek along. I figure we could meet Saturday morning somewhere local. I was thinking park and ride since most know where that is. Leave there around 8-830 and cruise up to Manchester. Its about an hour and a half drive I’d say.

About the hike:
Its about 3 miles each way and almost 3000’ of vertical. Fairly steep but not too technical. Bring plenty of water and some snacks. I figure it could be one of the last niceish weekends to get outside left. Pace will be relaxed anyone is welcome.

Here’s a map we would hike the blue trail:

Post up if you’re interested in attending.

Bull shit! we are going to the lookout rock!

Free handies on lookout rock for all who come!

Actually lookout rock is where all the good views are, the summit has a radio tower and that’s about it.

Can I pay the $8 and drive to the summit?

I remember my parents driving to the top when I was a kid and roasting the brakes in the Voyager.

Go for it haha! I’m hikin though at the risk of sounding like a sap,
I can’t deprive her of her hike:

I’de be all about this if it had more to do with MOTORS and shit that ruined the enviroment more.

Hiking is a big no no, im gonna fall over if i walk more than 22 feet at once in an upward incline.

Like KBB said there’s a road you can burn all kinds of gas chuggin up it, then burn some brake pads on the ride down.


My transmission temp gauge was one click from being in the red on the way up, about 85* outside at the time. Lets see how many trannys we can cook.

My car did pretty good when I drove up Mt washington but it was in the 50s. Can a mod change the title to “Shift hike/drive if you wanna be a bum - Mount Equinox Sat. Nov. 19th”?

Edited the OP to reflect the lazy mans option.

Anyone feel like going?

61 on Sunday. I plan to hike then.

Saturday is a no go, I have so much SHIT to do before the break.

I actually have the day off but I already have plans, otherwise I would go.

Was a nice hike, cool temps kept me comfortable while climbing. Saw a little bit of snow higher up. Crappy cell phone shots.

hey looks like it really fucking sucked, but if thats the kinda shit you’re into (hiking cold as fuck) thats cool !

I wanna say “wish i went” but im def glad I didnt. LOL

im just kidding, kinda

Judging by the last shot it’s the optimal time to go, it was hazy as fuck when I went up. Anyone else end up going up with you?

Nah just me, kinda figured as much lol. It was perfect hiking temps, I was able to not sweat which is a plus in my book.

Nice shots, Equinox seems like a nice day hike. I trudged up Hadley today. The weather was perfect temperature-wise, but it did get pretty cloudy and windy once we got towards the top.