Shift Photog Meet.... All are Welcome *Saturday OCT22nd. 'Toga park

lol fair enough… But, she answered me when I asked for Shenanigans on the first try lol took you half a day to get her to answer… :haha

:rofl you guys are epic. Pics came out real nice!!

i prefer the chase… makes for a much more interesting time :ponder

Who has a pic of Jim driving the Denali on 24s? Seriously. :rofl

When do we get to have you finish those tires off? Btw, I’m heading up to Legends on Lark shortly for some football you should join us :slight_smile:

keep telling yourself that… I mean if that is what makes you feel better about rejection…

LMFAO!! WANT to see!!!

yes tire smoke plz couple ideas for a pic of that

Check out 55 State Street in Troy for a few good clutch dump spots.

Soon! Lol. How long you guys gonna be down that way? Oh, and post that rig shot shithead :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m game for whenever to kill off the tires, def want to get some pics of that lol. What ya thinking of doing shot wise?

Heading down in a few be down there for at least the entire 4pm game.

The rig shot I will do dont you worry but I need time to do it.

I lave wednesday morning. So I am game for the burnout shoot anytime before then. :slight_smile:

wanna try for tomorrow afternooon?

Good stuff!!

I’d love to, but with work weekends seem to work out best unfortunately… 12Hr overnight shifts suck ass lol

That pole was mighty big, but oh so smooth.

smooth? that shit was ribbed what are you talking about…

here is one more preview…

There’s a light growing out of his hood!!! Oh no! P-chop that out :wink:

hence a preview :tongue spent like 2 mins editing it lol…I felt bad none of us had put up a preview of his …

I don’t see any previews of my rides!

:lol smartass!

Photos of yours on Tuesday? lol
