ok done deal
ok done deal
room enough to enter it at 50? :rofl
if so, deal?
I want to see some links to some different sourse lay outs… any legal ways to get cones??? Any construction muther freakers out there?
hmmm idk but its good to drift around in the snow
my dad does demo i can prolly get us cones if you guys are really going through with this :lol
haha thad be awsome…
wouldent it be a Pita to drift w/ the automatic?
Um… you dont want to use construction cones. They will eff your world up.
yeah we should just throw in and get like a hundred of those little cones
here’s 60 of those little guys for $60 shipped:
rofl u ebay’ed cones
I have cones at my work but you definetly wouldnt want to smack them with your car at 50. Ive never tried to drift my stang but if you guys find a place and realy want to do this id throw in for cones and come try it. :nod
i can driftr pretty good on the grass!
I have setup cones and working on the place. Have two options right now… plan on talking to b-rizzy tonight about it
Awesome :bowdown deifinetly keep me informed
u’d be surprised that alot of people use them.
i say next time it rains we go for a practice run behind me and steve (91 240)
Dibs on drifting rami’s car!! i mean talking it to pick up burger king for 2 hours :kicklow
no one can drift the MR-shit like i can. thats a well known fact.
Really now?
I challenge you to a drift off :excited
i can only whip the back out in the rain :sad awd sucks in some occasions lol
ask the porschemaster. the kid hates me with a passion and he still admits i’m the king :lol