Shift518 F&F Movie Night

i wont bring my car but ill roll with the wifes lol why park ware there is no cameras so people see a bunch of nice rims they can take with no one secrity.

I will only go if i can sit next to Sean, tehehehee…


so where ever we go we should print out these and bring with us

i love ricer tickets i still have some somewhere i’lll try mak some copys

Colonie=better parking + better theater + more cops = less dents and less of crazy people doing burnouts when movie is over.

They spelled “ridiculous” wrong on the Ricer Ticket… And Crossgates parking would be a bitch, they have so many overflow lots/the mall road will be canvassed in “OMG MY CAR CAN DO THAT” douchebags. I’d say Colonie ftw. I voted Bowtie, for the sole purpose there is a big ass parking garage close by, then realized that it will probably become a ricehive.

Ha ha last time we went to the movies I had to launch shit at adam cause he sat at the end of the row

I wanted to sit next to Sean :frowning:

We can sit in the middle that way there are seats on both sides friend


Emanuel has to be near since he is my new self proclaimed body guard

im down too your gonna see a white volvo slide ways going around xgates getting chased by the 5-0

You can sit on his lap… promise to hold my hand during the scary parts?

I suppose so


Fuckin queers lol

Shut your face

Shut your gaping asshole

Kinda creepy you are thinking about my asshole…more creepy you are thinking about it being gaping