Shift518 Group Road trip, F1 Boston '08

Starting the planing early and getting a feeler on who’s going with or planing to attending.

Date will be announced as soon as the snow starts melting.

For those who don’t know.

*Must be 18 or older.


sounds good v,

I’d be down. I PMed you about another idea I had for a karting GTG.

I’m definitely going ;D

Resurrecting this one…

Vlad, what happened to the F1 Boston group trip?
Maybe later in summer?

I’d be happy to help organize something, I’m definitely down so let me know if you want help with this…

i want to go!

Definitely looks like fun!

brand new and even closer

I informed Vlad about this already but he wants to go with F1 Boston instead…

im in …need notice!

same here

Due to the recent gas prices and the lack of motivation of driving lately observed, it does indeed seem like the NY location will be a better alternative, with 44 mile shorter driving distance.

So, gpny it is :thumb

I’m going to pick a date that seems most fitting with everybody’s schedule, expect it to be a Sat/Sun closer to the end of the month.

lets get a week night league going

That’s pushing it a little bit :lol

However first event should be interesting :ponder

Jclark gets the slow cart :nono

ill go i throw in for a week night leauge

I <3 F1 Boston for many reasons, one of them being that they keep their spec karts very well maintained…meaning they are all the same. ;D

im in with proper notice!

as long as its 1-2 weeks in advance so i can tell work, i’d rather be driving a gokart then fixing rv’s

:thumb then im in

I am bound by my schedule. Give me a date and ill give a yes/no.

we need dates here then we can work around and how much cash we need to throw in and shit