Shift518 W.o.T.

There’s something called brake boosting :wink:

man pants are on!


what no love for slowmarro ???

i know you can dig.

I have already ate a Viper…

SS NA vs Wayne-Wayne wins, no contest. SS on 100 shot vs Wayne-good race. That’s my prediction.

I edged out my buddys 06 viper on motor from 30-130…he came by me by half a car around 150. I had traction on the hit, he didnt.

on the 100 shot I was outtttt

My prediction stands. I’ve been wrong before.

Like when you decided to post a picture of your cock on an all dude car forum :rofl

I wasn’t wrong, I’m not sorry, and it’ll probably happen again.


arite… lets go NA.

I second this.

arent the 1st gen vipers rated at a little more then 400hp?

yea it don’t make much for power. NA would be a good race, you’ll prolly get me though. Thing doesn’t feel much faster than the cobra.

It’s a 2nd gen brah

like im going to believe you LOL. You sound like me now downplaying your shittt


no seriously bro. look it up.

edit: car is MAYBE a 118 car.