This thread will be for submissions to the leaderboard. Prolonged ‘chatting’ between submissions may be pulled out into separate threads. (Drama, extra long callouts, etc.)
The board will be updated about once a week, depending on how busy things get for me.
This will be for both cars AND bikes!
This board is only for 1/4 mile times, not 1/8th mile.
All submissions MUST follow this format:
Vehicle Driven
1/4 Mile ET
Trap Speed
Include a picture of the Vehicle
Include a picture of the timeslip and / or video of the pass
If you omit anything from the above submission format, your time will NOT be added to the board.
Submissions will end on November 1st.
All submissions to this Leaderboard MUST be from 2011.
Bump! This usually doesn’t pick up until the end of the season and there are people who are running now… but are not proud of their times, lol. But someone’s gotta have a decent slip by now right?