Shift518 W.o.T.


he’s mad ninja :ninja

youre overly persistant. please have the owner of the car post this time for legitimacy :lol

i guess your gonna be a d’bag bout it. almost everyone saw him run it. and i didnt see Sgambelluri post his time but somehow he got the #10 spot… wait thats your buddy its different when thats the case.

he was further up, but we got alot of quick imports showing up now.
its not a big deal d00d. ill get to it when i feel like it, if someone else wants to change the .x in his time, they can

brett nice times kid ,mine will need a update soon i hope lololol

you should go deep 12s on the bottle now, maybe a high 11

on my g-tech motor alone im at a 12.7 12.8 … when i did the monitor when car was stock it said 13.0 flat on the bottle so i think im close …on the bottle 11,s for sure or im blowin car up tryin

do it. my 10bolt on no!!

updated page 1, mr freakls76757 please stop hurting my feelings now.

not scared of the 10 bolt .if it goes i got another one to replace it …when that breaks ill do a s-60 or 9 in

its not a big deal i understand you’re a busy person i just figured after 20 days it wouldve been done seein how you changed 3 other times during that time period

need a tissue :clap:lol

nah your mom just grabbed the last one i made a lil mess on her chin

good for you

ah i couldve been better.

just talked to her she said she blew ya cause she felt bad for ya .beein a whiny bitch wit a small dick so she said it wasnt bad …although she said she has never seen anyone get off by blowin on it before christ dude .3 second hummer why waist her time

thats wat it was! i knew there had to be some reason for it! im glad you cleared it up thanks man i can go on with my life now!

I needa place to store the car that uses the said slicks… :lol

cant help you there