Shift518 W.o.T.

Thats got 700whp written all over it, I think I am going to start stocking gearsets for you guys, LOL!


der ya go!!

Ahh gearset…I don’t even want to think about that LOL

someone else got the 10.6 pass on vid ill link it once its up.

At least mikes not acting like a dope like peter

got a PPG set for 6k

sorry for actin like a MORON IDIOT on the 10.6 run.

shoulda got your dumpy ass head outta your anoose and filmed like a REAL MAN


and a 6k gearset is redic.

yeh im not looking foward to the day i have to buy a gear set, Ive got around 10k into the whole car including the car, so im prolly going to try to not buy a gear set for as long as pissible

beats breaking a stock gearset 3,4 times. think of the cost of that, the headaches. tow bill, time to have someone do it if you are unable.

lucky ive only got around 1k total into my tranny after breakin it 3 times

its because you are the deal finder. not everyone is so lucky.

oh i cant forget about axles, i gotta do them too. Stock ones are holdin up great though

I find the tool all the deals

Theres a syncro set out thats 3k.

Really, I’ll take one this week

Something seems fishy here…

id start with the mfactory pro final drive $750, then gears. 3rd and fourth gears are 1500 bucks i think, im sure 1st is another 750, then you need a cuff. and you already have a diff. they use the factory 2nd gear i wonder if they found in testing the oem one is strong enough.