Shift518 W.o.T.

whatchu talkin’ bout:shifty

see my previous post.

nevermind ill put it here for you again.


PJB Holding down #10 domestic :lol

Calm down sir :lmao

PJB made the top 10…until plaf or another gm product makes a pass

mine should be a great deal faster this year ,if not im burnin this car

I gotta make another pass on new rubber and more efficient drive train. I think I can cut my 13.8 by .5 seconds now.

LOL I like how the fastest Domestic doenst even podium with the import group!

FWD > RWD :rofl

the 2nd fastest domestc is FWD!!!

fwd IS TAKIN OVER:vlad

nevermind, dumb idea

Bench racerzzz

If you think my car is actually the fastest domestic in the 518 youre high :lol

qft :rofl

Yeh and I have the fastest import :rofl

driven to and down the track the fastest so far on shift518

nobody said anything bout your car being fast. hondas are slow!!!

Ill allow it!! :lol

sure ya will bitch …get it done so i can smack that ass by barney

Get into the 12’s solid before ya come talking that shit LT1 queer!! :lol :hug

i know right lolololol

I can’t get a mention? 12.7 @108.

#10 on the import list is no longer from what I hear… :wink: