Shift518 W.o.T.

I probably wont even use the damn thing. I guess I could go without doing burnouts since I cant do them in this car anyway.

pjb just drive the car .do burnouts later

I dont really feel like driving it much either. Less than 10 mpg sucks cock.

If you’re complaining about gas mileage on your modded V8, gtfo seriously. Like why even bother be into cars if you’re going to complain about the gas mileage of your “weekend car” or whatever.

Quit whining and either get over it and not talk about it or get rid of all the shit all together. I’ve gone through $60+ in gas in my Coupe in about 3-4 days. I don’t give a shit, I like driving the car & driving it how it should be driven and I’m going to do so.

sell it to me for 4g’s i wont mind driving it around!!!

gas mileage pjb lololol i fill my tank wit 93 and race fuel mix …i get about 80-100 miles out of it man lololololol your not gettin sympathy out of me man

I agree, it’s not a daily driver who cares. Every time I take my civic out I use atleast a half tank

But you said you like driving your car. I really dont like driving mine. Its really pretty useless and pretty much a headache. Id love to sell for the right price and just be done fucking with cars.

You probably get 25 mpg. I probably get less than 10. I cant afford to keep spending money on gas just to fuck around. Putting gas in my daily driver is much more important and necessary and that costs $65+ a week.

I cant afford to sell it that cheap.

I just run 93 and if I remember right its almost empty with about 100 miles on it.

Im thinking of just putting in some 87 the next time and seeing what happens.

Good idea PJB, the $3 you save filling the tank will help pay for another new motor


PJB sell me your 347, ill sell you my 302. then you can get good mpgs

im dead serious

Paul are you fuckin retarded man? Im not trying to be a dickhead but jesus christ. Your car is very capable of getting 15-17MPG++. Oh, and DONT put 87 in it, would you really like to save the $5 but have to build another motor because of it? Cmon mang, use that big head fo yours!!


about time someone said it…

hell, I went through $40 in one day last saturday…

dont put 87 in it. I dont feel like reading about you bitching that your car blew up and now its worth 12g’s instead of the 9 grand when it was running because you need to spend a extra 3g’s on a rebuild.

Its horrible on gas now with the new motor. No way does it get anywhere near 15-17 mpg.
I was just thinking of putting the cheaper gas in it to drive it to work. Will it really be that bad? I know it might lose a little power but that would be ok for just going to work for a day or two.

And Im not parting the car out, trading motors, etc.


The 87 would be fine if you didn’t romp on it, but is limiting what you can/can’t do with the car worth saving a couple bucks?

I can’t remember the last time I pushed the 87 button.

+1 Don’t bitch about gas mileage, especially when some of us run $12.00 gallon gas. :rofl

amen to that…

fuckkkkk that