Shihpoo Puppy 6 months old


So my wife bought a puppy a few months ago… He is a pretty cool dog. Loaded with energy and playful as can be. Unfortunately he is slightly too big for our current baby and will therefore be too big for the upcoming child. The breeder told us that he would be 12 Lbs max and he is currently 19 Lbs.
The dog is mostly house trained and only has accidents once in a while. He is crate trained and treats it as his own little house.

We paid $500 for him plus about $400 in vet bills for all of his puppy visits. He is not neutered so that will need to happen in about a month. For that reason we are pretty much going to give him away as I think is is a little expensive for neutering.

Total we are only looking for $250 as we got him for a reasonable price and I am not looking to make any money, just provide my baby a safe environment and the puppy a better life.

Here a the best pictures I could get as it is pretty hard to keep him still for more than 5 seconds at a time.

Day We got him:


My parents could be interested. I’ll talk with them tomorrow and send you a PM.

Cool, if they want to see him they can come to my house or I can bring him for a car ride.

Is he bad with kids or something? I don’t get the “too big for our kids” comment.

These two have been best friends since she was born, and he’s 95lbs.

He is super energetic and sort of dumb. If the baby is walking across the room and she happens to be in his path he will just run her over. He also likes that he is bigger than her and can jump on her. Not the brightest dog, and high energy makes it pretty hard. I also dislike seeing my little girl that never cries, cry.

Your dog looks super cool. That is the size and nature of a dog that I wanted. :frowning: If my kid takes one of his toys he loses it. She has tried to be friends by sharing her toys but he doesn’t understand.

We got a shepherd because they have a reputation for being such good family dogs. He’s knocked her over a few times by accident but for the most part he’s really careful around her.

The most unfair part of having a dog is how poorly their lifespan lines up with ours. Really dreading the day I have to explain to my daughter that Max is gone.

We have a 75lb lab-boxer mix. He is awesome with our daughter as well. Just like yours hes knocked her down a few times by accident and whipped her with his tail but otherwise hes been awesome.

I too DREAD the day that hes gone. They too have been together since she came home from the hospital, 7 years ago.

It seems like big dogs are better around kids, but who knows.

Anyway, good luck with the sale!!


^ The hugging picture is adorable…

Anyhow this dog is still living in my house. BUMP!

Breeders cant be producing these dogs because no one wants one!! Someone has to want a cute puppy. Make an offer if it is not ridiculous I will probably take it!

Bump $175 ??

Seriously no one wants a dog? HE is not really bad, just not good with my baby. $100 and he is yours… I am losing my shirt here.

Bump for making him leave my house. NOW FREE.

be careful with free… there are a lot of people who will take it and throw it on Craigslist for a quick profit who don’t care about where it ends up. (such as a halftime show at some dog fights)

  1. You can not post animals on Craigslist
  2. It is only posted here and if I do not like the person they will not leave with the dog.

Thanks for the warning though, I don’t like him, but I also don’t want to see him end up in a bad situation.

dogs get sold on craigslist every day regardless of their policy. the rescue I work with is always saving free or cheap pitbulls we find on there.

Gone. An older lady whos dog just died is going to be taking him. She was so happy she cried.

Awww. :tup:

awesome… glad to hear you found a good home.

Did you not like him because he grew bigger than you expected?

No, I dont mind the size. I wanted a bigger dog. I do not like him because he enjoyed running over my child and trying to be dominant. We would have needed a non alpha male but oh well, he is gone and I am now content.