shipping question

how long does it usually take to process and order and ship it? just wondering haha i placed an order like over a week ago :stuck_out_tongue: im pumped for my stickers and i want them!!!

He’s usually very quick with the orders from what I’ve seen.

most of the orders right now take a few days to process, but he’s only in Rochester so you should have them in a couple of days from now. they normally have about a 200 order placement per day, and they are all hand cut, hand weeded, and hand shipped… pretty cheap stickers considering it takes about 30 mins from start to finish to do just one order, with just one color.

anyway you’ll get them soon enough, have any questions you can feel free to just nicely ask in an e-mail to them, or on there facebook page

They are not hand cut. Hand weeded yes, but not cut.

scissors, ftw


haha well i ordered em may 1st and the thing says that its still processing… oh well i don’t wanna bash em or anything, i just want my stickers! haha

I ordered a few weeks ago and haven’t seen anything as well.

yeah dude i ordered mine may 1st…

Sorry for not getting back on here sooner. We recently had to let go an employee so we’ve been scrounging around looking for a replacement and trying to hire extra part time help! We’re getting over 1000 orders per month from the website lately, and 95% of what’s on there is cut-to-order. With nearly 850 products, 15 different sizes, and over 75 colors, we would have to stock over 600,000 different products. It would be a daunting task to say the least LOL!

We try to normally hit a 7-10 business day processing time, but due to the lack of help lately we’ve been a little behind.

Best thing to do is shoot us an email at or call us at 585-298-9462 during business hours and we can check on the exact status of your order. Many times it only needs one or two to complete, and we can try to push it out that day.

Thanks again! We definitely appreciate your business and are trying our best to get back caught up as we’re nearly 500 orders behind right now :frowning:

In my experience its always been worth the wait and will continue to do business with ihatestickers.