Shocking experience

well i was coming home from the gf house, waiting at the light on union and clinton and a guy pulled up next to me going straight. i looked over at him(because i usually look over at the people on the sides of me). All i know is that theres this huge fucking flash, and the loudest boom ever. lightining struck the transformer on the pole right next to me. i was likt WTF.

first time to being this close to a lightining strike.

you piss urself?

thought i did but no


I thought you were going to say he shot at you.

lol no he looked over at me and was like “did you see that!!!”

“no what did i miss? i was blinded by lightning!”

LOL i was pulling away and looked and the poll was smoking.

haha dude… read that over once more please because that’s some hilarious gay shit right there! lol



awful lot of pole smokin goin on here…


smokeing pole ftl