Shop Information Lists

Hey guys
I’ve noticed that there are always new threads about whether a certain shop is good or not.

so this is going to be a thread to end all those other threads.
you can post review of shops and your experiences, recommendations, complaints, questions, etc.

basically anything about shop’s in general can be posted here for future reference.


ps.Mods I’m not sure if this should go in technical or car chat?

has anyone driven past this one shop on dundas street and highway 6 in waterdown. I can see some kick ass cars sitting inside and i seen a nice Porsche sitting out front today as well. im just interested cause u can see into there gallery and it looks like some really sick cars r inside

common guys use this thread instead of threads like these
*no offense to the starters of those threads.

If people posted reviews and comments on one thread that was stickied then searching on shops and asking questions would be much more simple.

also if the mods like this idea then can this be stickied and moved to the proper location?

O shit sorry guys
I just noticed that there’s already a thread like this in the FAQ section.

wow that gives people absolutely no excuse for repeated threads like
where can I buy an SR or where to powdercoat etc…

please lock this thread