Shopping cart got it good

Found this shopping cart in the industrial along with about 50 feet of electrical cord attached to it. Looked like someone towed it behind there truck and it looked like it hit a lamp post cus there was one 5 feet away with a dent and the light was broken. I bet the person was doing like 90km around this corner when it hampned. Just thaught it was funny ass shit.

Damnit I thought Mike got rid of the evidence! :x Aww well…


Hey allen, do ya think it could have been attached to the back of a red avalanche…?? :lol:

Wait a second…arent i driving a red avalanche right now…buahahahhahahahha…nahhh, couldnt be could it??

Ya, I herd a rumor that it was Kristal Lee Beyers. HAHAHA

The question I have is, was there someone inside of it at the time it hit the pole?? If so did someone video tape it!! :lol:

no there definately wasnt anyone inside…the person was doing about 85 around a 90 degree corner…sending the cart to the outside having to cover approxiamately twice the distance the truck had to…in other words it hit the pole doing well over 150 km/h…dont ask me how i know this… :lol:

**** Grocery Store News***

Top Story: 6 year old shopping cart brutally killed in high speed collision on city roads. Witnessses last say the cart (aka carty) delivering groceries to Mrs. Jone’s Windstar. Anyone who may have witnessed the horrific event is asked to come forward immediately, Carty will be missed.

hahaha :lol:

We used to push them around with our cars up snowhills and stuff…They get really wobly at about 60k :lol:

lol when i worked at TnT me and F.D.S. uesd to take the carts that didnt belong to us and throw them off the upper parking level o those were the days hhahah :ROFL