Shopping Cart POS system information

My work is looking to come into the year 2000 :slight_smile: and get a shopping cart and point of sale solution for our store.

I figured I would ask on here, if any of you techies have any experience with this and can pass the info along.

We will need a POS for our in store and for internal entries. We will need the online store for hardware and software sales.

We would like to get a complete solution!

So send me what you guys know.

Well, usually if you want to have internal and external sales built into one system it would be a custom development. Not sure of what your budget is, but if it is very small like most companies these days, you can look into OSCommerce. It is an open source web order and backend management software. Tons of developers out there that can set it up (including myself) and it is very user friendly to manage for online sales. I have never had to integrate it into a brick and mortar however so i am unsure of how possible that is.

this link contains some different software packages that may cover what you are looking for:

Or you can just google something like Multi channel order management

I’ll check into that. Our store isn’t a mom and pop shop. We’re part of UB Foundation (UB) and are ummm, big. So cost (as long as it is reasonable for what they give) isn’t as much as an issue.

Here is some of what our store offers:

We do hardware sales and licensing to UB and all the other SUNY schools. We also sell to schools and private individuals outside of NY.

you should form a team from the Top students studying IT and programming. Have the school give them 1 credit each for developing a custom solution. That would be a low cost situation that you could also market to prospective students. “Our system was developed by our very own students!”

I use coolcart ( for a few things. But I think you may need something bigger.

While that would be cool, for some reason, they don’t use assets like that here. Plus we are about 7 years behind when we should have done this.
With back to school coming up, they want something yesterday :frowning:

Plus they want to have a solution that is from a reputable company that will be able to support the software. If it were a mom and pop operation, a small solution would work, but I know, and hopefully they know that they are not going to find a solution that completely works with the ancient system that we have now. And that it takes a while to transition.

We have talked with and also Order Motion Bean Basket. But we are looking into more options.

Yea, thats too small for what we do. But doesn’t seem that bad.