Shopping Channel Hilarity

One of my bosses has a son that is taking a Korean form of Kendo (martial art using Japanese swords), so I had to send him this.

Bahh ha ha ha…

He’s showing off how strong it is when it snaps off and hits him :lol:

Where did it hit him?

He’s showing off how strong it is when it snaps off and hits him

Ooooo so that is what happned, man was I confused :slight_smile:

looks like the arm.

Glad I made it clear for you…

The tip of the blade hits him square in the ribs and bounces off. :lol:
He must have had a nice gash, even if it was just a crappy practice blade. The thing is selling for $44.95, how strong does he think it’ll be?? :stuck_out_tongue: An authentic, modern-day Japanese katana can sell for upwards of $3000-$4000US, depending on the status of the swordsmith.

wow, authentic Hattori Hanzo Sowrds for only $75USD!!!

Best part was when the other guy says “Ya’aright”, just the southern accent killed me.

Best thing about that is they spelt honesty wrong.
Phew … good way to get around screwing people out of money.
Apparently honesty isn’t important but honeysty is.