Shorteaz and Refused has taken my place...


back to topic… um… what’s the topic here? post whoring?

oh yeah

random post whores

nuh uh its about meeee…u shud know lol

its about randomly post whore’n up this B^TCH!!!

nuh uh…lol my name is in the tittle soo psshh :stuck_out_tongue:

lol yeah yeah…

HEY LOOK BMWWW is going for number 5 spot lmao watch out Refused :F

muahahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

you’re only laughing because you have a safe line where you can always check and get atleast 10 steps ahead hahaha smartasss :R

im evil laffiing cuz u said yea yea…cuz u know im right bout the thread bein bout me :smiley:

no its about me too… my name is there still even tho i lost my place.
oh well looks like im not a post whore like you guys.

awww…cuz ur not on as often as u used to be man!!!

meh… work all day (aft. shift) and then either come home and spend time with my gf or go out to my buddies place’s to get stoned and play video games.


Lol… I’m not gonna get in on this p0st-whoring crap, but I’d have to point out that your post is very fitting, seeing that there’s “The Beer Store” in the background of your sig! :smiley:

This thread is quickly becoming off-topic and useless…

this thread has been off topic since the first posts.
it is in the off topic section. and uesless yes that too.

lol yea its been on topic …me and brad are talkin about it bein about us…so baah!..maybe gabe’s been drinkin haha


long time ago lol

well im not on the forums as much as some people hahaha… :stuck_out_tongue:

lol well must be inorder to have that high of a post :stuck_out_tongue: