Should This Kid Have Lost His Driver’s License For Life?


We all have done stupid stuff but he has had too many chances, and as vlad said none of us were this dumb. I think he should lose his license for at least 15 years and deal with it, its like that saying… do the crime and do the time.

Problem with daves idea of sending him to jail to learn a lesson is that its a fact when youthful offenders go to jail they learn a system of jail life and thoughts. sending youths to jail just promotes their feeling of hatred towards law and order. they come out alot worse then they went in and you can see this by the re-incarceration rate in young people.

Driving is a privilege not a right. The judge is not wrong in removing such a reckless individual from the roads. In the short time this young man has had his license he has proven he is a threat to not only himself but to others. Good Riddance.

Here’s what pisses me off.

He was granted the privilege to drive once when he first got his license. He got it revoked.
He was granted the privilege to re-apply and get his license back. He got it revoked.
He then got his license back AGAIN (now mind you he already has two serious strikes), and then he gets a DWI (before he’s legally able to drink), street races, crashes… WITH a few passengers in the vehicle.

To me, that’s three strikes. Fuck him. In the ass. Without lube.

I’ve done lots of stupid shit while driving, and got caught for some of it, all minor. I haven’t been pulled over in two years. This kid had his license REVOKED (not suspended) twice in those two years.

Drive like a douchebag and put other lives in jeopardy, you deserve what you get.

Good for this judge for standing up to that. I’m sick of fucking people getting slapped on the wrist and still having their licenses after pulling stunts like this. Maybe if it WAS treated like this state wide or even nationwide, people would take it more seriously but we’ll never know will we.

What happened to the meltdown thread we had here about the local kid that killed someone trying to pass a car? That situation is fairly similar to this one, except there are no deaths in this case and we don’t know the local kids past driving record.

“Experience isn’t what happens to you. It’s what you do with what happens to you.”

Thought that quote was fitting.

take his license away, he will still drive lol I’d put some money on that.

kid looks like a douche bag.

You guys just dont get it and it fustrates me lol…

Im not AGAINST you guys, I’d beat the shit out of this kid if I saw him walking down the street, I seriously would…

That being said, do you punish someone with tourettes for cursing out loud? Do you yell at a mentally retarded person when he repeatedly does something wrong?

THE KID IS 17 YEARS OLD…17. His brain is not all there yet… I would 100% agree with ALL of you if he was 30 years old… but hes not! He lost and license and got it back AT the age of 17, not once at 17, then 24, then 30… AAALLLL at 17. There is a reason you cant drink until your 21… Your not mature and responsible until around that age…

Throw him in jail, throw him in a military camp, throw in a boarding school across the country before you take something away from him for the rest of his entire life…

Sorry dave, not with ya. Fuck this kid.


youve never lost your license… Easy to revoke some random persons license or give someone the death penalty… not easy if it was you

driving is a privledge NOT a right. He lost the privledge and he deserved to. If you keep letting him drive the same thing will happen again and again like it did this time


do you do the same things you used to do when you were 10? 15? 17? Dont answer that because I already no… No god damn way. people mature with age.

You do know drinking age used to be 18 right?

You do know you can vote for president, gamble your life away and go SHOOT AND KILL people in the military at 18 right?

You do know that people under 18 can and have been tried as adults in serious cases such as homocide?

Being young and immature isn’t the same as being an law ignorant douchebag who doesn’t learn or care for himself or others on the road. Plus he’s from Newport making him a likely wealthy spoiled brat.

Sorry man, but even under 18 you can learn that some things are moronic and you stop.

Why isnt the drinking age 18 anymore? :dunno obviously someone thought it was too young of an age.

yes, I do know 18 you can go into the military and vote and gamble… but hes 17, not 18.

Dont know too many 17 yr olds tried as adults, can you show me? Not doubting you, just legit havent seen too many…

Dave…I think you’re missing OUR point.

If he was 17 and made this mistake once…fine…he’s young…chalk it up to age. BUT HE HAS HAD THREE (3) SERIOUS ISSUES WITH HIS DRIVING RECORD. In 2 years. COME ON. Stop this nonsense.

Maybe he shouldn’t lose it for life…but he should lose it till he’s 30 and do a good 5-6 year in prison.

It isn’t 18 anymore and that’s upto debate by people, but either way that doesn’t stop this kid from not only drinking when it’s not legal, getting behind the wheel while intoxicated, when it’s not legal, street racing, when it’s not legal, crashing - arguably not legal and nearly killing his passengers, clearly not legal - ALL AT THE SAME TIME. He has no regards to the law or other people and is a danger to society. Period.

DWI when you’re of legal age ALONE is a serious offense, those combined make him a case for the death penalty just to make society feel safer.

Cases in regards to minors tried as adults quote

Some juvenile cases get transferred to adult criminal court through a process called a “waiver” – when a judge waives the protections that juvenile court provides. Usually, juvenile cases that are subject to waiver involve more serious crimes, or minors who have been in trouble before.

Article on a 14 year old killer and your debate,8599,110232,00.html

Wednesday, 14-year-old Nathaniel Brazill was found guilty of second-degree murder for killing his English teacher last year. The charge usually carries a prison term of up to 30 years, but Brazille’s defense team is hopeful the sentencing judge will be more lenient in this case. They have a powerful ally: Jeb Bush. “There is a different standard for children,” the governor said after Brazill was sentenced. “There should be some sensitivity that a 14-year-old is not a little adult.”

Read more:,8599,110232,00.html#ixzz1oRwBVFRf

And please stop with the “hes 17 not 18” I’m sure he wasn’t magically going to mature within the next 11 or less months and stop breaking rules. He’d still be drinking, he’d still be driving and he’d still be street racing.

Didnt even read that part… I feel even STRONGER about what I said now… The “issues” started when he was 15!? You “CMON” ilya, at 15 years old some people dont even know what a boner is, fuck outta here…

Your going to punish a kid for the rest of his life because of what he did at 15 years old??? lol, are you fucking kidding me?

15 to 17 years old (2 yr period) is him still growing up, again, if this was at age 30 or something, fuck yea, take his license away forever, HE KNOWS BETTER!!! At 15-17, he does NOT!

So at 16 you’re allowed to do whatever the fuck you want behind the wheel of a car according to you because you’re young and dumb?

He shouldn’t have APPLIED FOR THE LICENSE if he wasn’t MATURE ENOUGH TO OBEY THE RULES AND THE LAW that comes with having it.

and that’s 16 to 17 dave, WITHIN 2 years, since he started driving at 16 (presumably)