Should This Kid Have Lost His Driver’s License For Life?

Dave, frankly I’m simply fascinated with your view of teenagers and the fact that they think the world is made out of unicorns and Teddy bears, and that their actions carry no responsibility allowing them to kill, rape, pillage, murder and disobey every traffic law simply because they don’t know better. :eek3

Dave, frankly I’m simply fascinated with your view of teenagers and the fact that they think the world is made out of unicorns and Teddy bears, and that their actions carry no responsibility allowing them to kill, rape, pillage, murder and disobey every traffic law simply because they don’t know better. :eek3

woa woa wooaaaaaa!!!

This thread was getting out of hand so I had to actually READ the article…


His other violations were a SEAT BELT ticket and passing on a non dotted line…

“Topa was first sentenced on two charges for which he received fines and consecutive six-month suspended sentences — one for seat belt violations and another for passing another car in a prohibited area. The magistrate then revoked his license for the rest of his life.”

so your counting a motherfucking seatbelt ticket and passing on a non dotted line at the same time 1 and 2 strikes???

You guys have screws loose… Remind me to NEEVVEERRRRR elect you guys for judge…

This accident in my eyes was his first serious offense and your out of your fucking mind to take his shit away for life because of it…


Just because this kid is young and dumb doesn’t justify him to learn from what he has done. He already enough chances to correct his driving behavior and he didn’t. This kid and any other kid or adult for that matter that consistently drives wrecklessly should be punished with a lifetime revocation of their license. Society will see that you can’t mess around and get away with it and there won’t be as many wreckless drivers out there.

yeah, next time i see you without your seatbelt on im suspending your license for 6 months…

get the fuck out of here.

I said punish the fucking kid, but not with lifetime revocation.

There’s a difference between not wearing your seatbelt and driving like a dickhead.

revoking his licence for life is completly insain. while i dont agreed with what he did at 17 i already had several tickets and lost my licence, infact ive lost my licence several times. but i was young i did ALOT of fucked up shit at one time cops were putting a case agaist me for grand larsonie. but i grew up i got a serious job i got a good girl that pushes for the best and i ditched those past ways. so im saying no with the life ban and i get what L4B is saying.i say tske his licence untill hes 21 and make him only be allowed to drive to work then see if it changes for him

so u dont agree with him losing his licence for 6 monthes then?

No Dave, he was in court for multiple violations, before having his license banned he pleaded guilty to seat belt and overtaking. These are NOT the violations that got his license suspended prior. Read the article again (it was poorly worded) and read other links and sources.

You know how probation period works? You pretend to be good to get back to normal status. His license got suspended, so what should a normal person do? Sit and wait.

What does he do?

Topa was driving on a suspended license when he lost control of the vehicle and struck a tree. Two of his passengers were seriously injured. One was in a coma.
While being intoxicated, and racing.

Link with Video to how bad the car was

i think this is way more than justified. I think he should spend the rest of his life crippled, thats just me.

Amen. Did you see how bad the car was mangled in the video above?

How stupid and irresponsible do you have to be to be racing while intoxicated on a suspended license with 3 other people in the car.

Edit: Can anybody tell what car it was? Coupe with a spoiler :ponder

I know right? Where’s Kathy bates with an 8lb sledge when you need her.

If that’s what the law states then yes. I’m sure he was on a junior drivers license which stated he can’t get any tickets or he could be subject to losing his license. I don’t know the laws in that state so I’m simply going on speculation.

Looks like a 96 era mustang.

As part of a plea deal agreement Lyle pleaded guilty to two other charges, which included driving over the speed limit and not wearing a seatbelt.

Read more:


The sentence was handed out after Topa pleaded no contest to speeding, violating seat belt laws, and overtaking where prohibited, while the judge agreed to drop several charges including graduated license violations of having too many passengers in the car and being out past the designated curfew, leaving the lane of travel and failure to maintain control of the vehicle, according to The Westerly Sun.

So his license was suspended for something else entirely prior.

thats a mustang gt like adumbs white one i think.

and no i hadn’t seen it till you posted but i take my previous statement back. fuck crippled, they should remove a leg and an arm, in brutal fashion, then he CANT drive. or hurt anyone.

I vote fuck that kid. I am glad to see the judicial system starting to take a hold of cases by the balls and squeezing them until they pop, for all around failures to society that deserve it. Age has nothing to do with any of this. Its a scapegoat for the issue at hand. I did a ride along with a cop friend a little while back and yanked a guy for DWI. His 4th one. he was released from jail less than 3 weeks prior to that night for his 3rd DWI. No license, plates from another car, no registration, inspection, insurance, open container, failure to stay right, failure to obey a traffic device, speeding and lastly felony DWI. Guy was a complete asshole, know it all, toothless piece of 38 year old shit. Maturity levels never trump the law. Actions and consequences should be what defines your punishment. You fuck up and make the first bad decision in your life, I say to fucking bad, deal with it and pay the price. Do the same shit over and over again, and blatantly not care enough about the well being for yourself and others around you, you have no legs to stand on to cry about it.

Dave is right though. Some “good” people learn from mistakes, and I am glad to see that. Thats what jail time, fines, etc. are supposed to be for. That kids poor decisions (first, second, third, or 50th doesn’t matter) pictured above can and should carry 1-3 years in jail, by the letter of the law. Maybe if he sits in jail for a year or 2 or three he will get it through his head. But the judge doubts that, based on the past offenses and isnt offering him that chance. I say good for him.

/\ nail on the head.

LOL yeah if you’re under 18 feel free to do whatever you want without real life changing consequences even though you’re putting innocent people’s lives at risk and often ending or changing their lives forever. LOL yeah that’s a great attitude. Totally, just slap his wrist and show all the other kids that they’re untouchable as well.

There’s too many people in the world for the law to show compassion. Someone has to get fucked. And I vote this kid.

If anything, when a kid gets his license he should be required to sign something accepting to be tried as an adult. If you think being under 18 is too young to know what you’re doing, why the fuck are you okay driving on the same roads as 16 year olds controlling 3000lb weapons?

Hate to go against the majority here but, NO at 17 and losing your license for life is absurd. Life…think about it. You are in effect saying that…No, this kid will never mature, will never make sound decisions. You want to limit his ability to get a job…For Life. You want him to carry this burden… for life. All for something done as a teenager.

You can argue that the crime is the same, whether comitted at 17, 27 or 37 but…The perpetrator is NOT the same. There would be absolutely no argument here if this guy were 37 and losing his license for life…But 17?? Makes most people think about it. Perhaps because I was 17 so freaking long ago but, I certainly would not want to be remembered or judged for the rest of my life by my actions at that age (and I was halfway decent!).

Certainly he should be punished, and punished hard. But, I think you have to give him the hope of being able to improve himself in the future.

As for putting innocent lives in danger…I’m a little tired of the passengers in these cars being considered innocent. Most of the time (and there are exceptions), these passengers are willing accomplices, knowing full well the driver is drunk, stupid, reckless, immature, whatever. Yet they choose to get in the car with him. Most likely laughing and having a great old time with the driver, right up to the impact with the tree.