Show n' Go results...

I’m not sure if any of you got a chance to make it to Show n Go yesterday but it was a good time and a good day for me! I ended up not getting to check out anything really because I was racing the entire time I was there, haha. Anyways, I am astounded by the results of yesterday. My car had too much fuel (93oct) in it to run my race gas map and I was 3ish hours from home so I said, I’ll just run it on pump and no nitrous so I don’t have to worry about towing it home. I really can’t believe the pump gas results. My very first run, I pulled off a 12.58 @ 112.5 (bogged) which was still faster then last years pump map. After I found out that E-town is VERY sticky I launched it a bit higher and pulled 3 12.1’s in a row all with low 1.7 60’s. So my last run there was a car broken down where I had been driving around the water box and I was pissed and had to drive through the water. I proceed to melt the tires off after pulling through the water and pull up to the light. Light turns green and I passed the 60’ with a 1.655 and end up clicking off a 11.93 @ 115.99.

This was all on OTS APR pump gas map, full catback, full interior, 18’s with street tires (aired down a bit) and no nitrous.

Can’t wait to go back with some race juice and my 75 shot!

i take my hat off and bow :bowdown:bowdown

Congrats Nick! That thing keeps impressing me

Thank you gentlemen. :thumbup

And sully, it keeps impressing me as well!


Only two weeks left till LVD opens :slight_smile:

Thanks Jay! Hopefully my times are similar at LVD.

Nice runs Nick.

Someone was telling me Pinks did work to LVD this year? Repaving etc?

pretty stout times nick! Did you talk to the black s4 with the big alcon brakes? He had the 10seck04 tune on race gas and was running similar times to your pump gas map!

LVD completely repaved the track and the bathrooms were redone and some other stuff. It’s a new track. Should be a fun summer!

I talked to a guy with a black s4, dono about the brakes but it was ssp tuned. Was it the same one? Front mount?

So were you spraying and/or running racegas when we ran a few weeks ago? :ninja

Race gas, no spray.

Awesome times Nick! Very Impressive!

wow man very nice to see

11’s on pump gas with apr software is nuts

I is happy.

I was amazed and should have bet Ricky it would go 11’s…fml

Told ya yesterday, but awesome runs d000d!!

nope, no front mount. looked to be big ER intercoolers. only saw one pass though.