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Hmm, didn’t even see that one. This just make me more happy with my apr stuff. Reliable (key term here) and is proving to perform well too!

Yea fuck Marcs bull shit nonsense


Awesome, congrats on the numbers

never happened. wheres Ross with videos?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

On Audizine not one person has called bs yet, lol.

Holy hell…how does that happen

Got me.

wasn’t blown Euros yesterday? …over 1k cars? I woulda gone to that one. lol

yeah in pa. we went to SnG for the racing.

im shocked.

edit: make sure you add meth, a ton of timing, and log every single second of driving it.

well played, I thought you were on pumpgas that night :lol

Nope that was race gas goodness

Awesome times. As soon as your car lauched, I was like, “Thats a 11.90 run” :lol. Very impressive. Cant wait to bring my turd there and see what she does. Also bringin all 3 bottles to get filled…stoopid cheap!

u runnin NAS?


he uses SulfurDioxide.

:rofl Idk what that is…:shifty

we all running network attached storage.

network drives FTW :shifty

sick! congrats.