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:lol Niiice!!

thats sick dude

video to come…

Oh wtf Ross. Finish the video

ross hurry the fuck up

STILL can’t believe how well this car runs with the OTS software. Congrats Nick!

shit guys give me a break… lol it will be up in a few…

back on topic, ross where these videos at mang

I’m down for that trip!

Very impressed with the skills and the car. Everything was spot on! 11’s on 93oct. Glorious!

This thread is win now that Ricky approves

LOL what? Nick’s car was a win! Win for Nick starting the thread! Baller that brought 2 silver B5s!

That was impressive…although the one sounds like hell

Sounds like hell, but is still cool as shit! Epic A4 race!

A4 race coming soon…uphill

kramerbuccs24: (9:08:06 PM) you gonna get those vids up tonight?
Usahref19: (9:09:31 PM) yo it will be up in a bit

Hes almost done uploading them over at Nicks

:lol It was nice finally meetin ya man, and the car looked AMAZING!

Oh great now he is going to get a big dick over that comment
