Anyone else having Adelphia connection problems?

hes running direct with no router. but i have a suggestion. ill explain myself.

when u plug into broadband internet u are assigned an ip address by ur modem/isp, hence DHCP(dynamic host control protocol i think).

routers work the same way, they assign an ip addresses

so when u have a router, your isp assigns the router an ip, and the router assigns your pc an ip, all of which must be different

so if ur not getting an ip address from ur modem right now, hook up a router

check and see if ur router gets an ip addy from the modem

then look and see if ur computer gets an ip addy from from you router

if ur computer doesnt get a 192.168.1.*** address, then ur cmoputer is fucked

if it does then its fine

if ur router isnt getting an IP from ur ISP, then ur modem/connection is fucked