Anyone else having Adelphia connection problems?

Ever since TW took over Adelphia, my service seems to keep getting interupted and it’s starting to get real annoying.

it’s wierd though, all the lights are fine on my modem saying that it has a connection, nor does anything come up in my taskbar saying that it can’t find a connection (everything just times out… skype,IE,firefox,ect). When I reset my modem or just wait 5-10 mins, it works fine again until it decides to want to do it again.

this has been happening 15-20 times a day for the past week or so… anyone else having this problem? Any idea WTH is going on?



if ur using a router, get new firmware, if not get a new modem


Joe (thesXekid) is having the same problem. His cable cuts multiple times a day for hours at a time.

No issues at both locations.

I have had some minor issues but not all day.
I thought it was just my imagination because it happened right after TW took over.

im fine. sounds like the modem took a shit. get a new one

Mine will cut out for a second randomly more than usual since TW took over.

But no extended time period death.

we had problems for the first two days… reset modem & router a few times. But no problems since.

sometimes we have problems but i just restart the computer and its all better

It was down at the GF’s house for a few hours today. I remember having powerlink… used to go down once and a while. Not the modem for sure.

I should probably ask for another cable modem, the one I have is from 2000-2001 and I have shown it a little backhand love from time to time

lol well, I got a chance to call them about it today and they said that the diagnostic on my modem looked good (aka no problems at all… but they could see that I was resetting it). They think that it may be a problem on my end (windows isn’t renewing my IP address correctly).

They told me to call back after work so they can help me troubleshoot.

problem is, I use the internet for my phone so I guess I’m SOL if it breaks up again (which it probably will). Can any of you IT pros tell me what I should look at to resolve it without going thru tech support?

do you have a router or are you connecting directly

Ive been having a problem where my AIM loses the connection for a few seconds, signs off then right back on…probably more fo a routing issue than anything though, gotta keep resetting the thing and am too lazy to open all the ports back up

^^use to have all these quick losses. its the modem. ive been told by techs and installers the modems fine but i still get a new one and its always solved the issue.

its the Klan :snky: they are pissed that adelphia was bought out

we had that at my dads house… Take the router out of the picture, if you keep having problems then you need a new modem. If you have the old school one that I did, they replaced it with a surfboard and its been fine.

Here at the apt, i got an even smaller modem.

No issues.

If the problem lies with the rotuer, it could have taken a shit, i had two die on me so far.

connected direct… running sygate pro as a firewall if that matters

yeah… when I called I said that I thought it might be the modem, but then he told me everything looked good on the modem and that it could either be my NIC card or windows aswell. (considering that windows isnt telling me that I’m NOT connected)

I don’t know… they better pro rate me this month for the shitty service (if it’s on their end/my LEASED modem) :stuck_out_tongue: