Shower Routine?

:frowning: Yea I hate fucking dealing with it. its really starting to gross me out too. I’m sure I’ll break and clean it myself

In…see you later…i’ll bring the bacon, you bring the soap on a rope.


this thread it biased against moderate masturbators, there are only a few in the world that can keep up with ILC in that department

Ugh. There’s no selection for wash face, or brush teeth.

Not that anyone cares, but I:
Brush Teeth
Wash Face
Wash Body with Dove Bar Soap
Shave (usually every other shower)
Wash again
Rinse for 15 min.

why brush your teeth in the shower?

so you only shave every other month?

fucking :picard:

shampoo, brush teeth, rinse shampoo, wash. I shave about once a week in the shower too.

I don’t know why I started doing it. It just became a habit. I know a lot of people that do.

And newman, you’re so funny.

  1. what is with all these retarded polls lately

  2. what is with all these retarded polls lately that have incorrectly typed thread titles

you combine everything into 1. Too bad I cant shit in the shower.

Do you pee in the shower?

no, I use the bathroom before I jump in. :wink: lol

is peeing into the toilet from the shower included in this question?

Wouldnt you just shave before you wash so you dont have to wash twice? seems like a big waste of water and soap.

and why does it take you 15min to rinse of your body… :uhh:

I’m puking.

Here is a question.

How many people use shaving cream? If I am trying to shave at the sink quick and need to clean up before going somewhere, I will but if I am in the shower, I just use water and the cheapo throw away razors.

That would irretate(sp) the shit of my face if I didnt use shaving cream

it’s important to wash your face with soap before and after shaving to keep the skin happy…

but what I want to know is why do so many of you use shampoo but not conditioner?