When you shower..

Do you ever get bored and tuck your dick and balls between your legs and act like a girl…

I have been doing this atleast once a week lately, and just the other day i found my self humming a Aretha Franklin song while doing it.

you know how i know you’re…



Left it logged in somewhere did we now.

Well no… but im gonna try it now

LOL! nice, dude.

Never really gave it a thought, usually I just wash my ass really good, shampoo and condition after I mush my shit down the drain with my big toe.

lmao… is that you who made the gif??? post it up!

Why is everyone surprised? He drives a Scion.


I tried, and i still don’t see the relevance of where that has anything to do with me performing the fruit basket while showering, shit i even try to do it at work and see how long i can walk around before it becomes untucked.

its a feeling of accomplishment at work because no one else knows your doing it

this is the night crew failing…is it not?

BCp TC…NEW RESIDENT CREEPSTER. Check his basement for a kidnapped hooker with the lotion on the skin…

What if I don’t shower, can this still be accomplished?

No sir, I dont like it!

Yeah, don:carnut

…save meeeeeeeeee… :lol:

I like doing the pee pee dance. I usually don’t think to piss before I shower and once the waters running, I gotta go. So I pee, away from the drain, and as I see the pee coming towards my feet, I do a little dance and dodge it, it’s fun.

Abort, abort!

at least I’m not the only one!