Shredd And Reagan Cruise Nights

honestly i mightnot go to these at allthis year…last year in my boosted del sol i was denied access to park my car because it wasnt modded enoguh???(fyi, didnt have a fo do w/ primer and body kits hanging off my car)…and the year before that i wasnt allowed because i dont have a system…!? wtf is that bullshit!?

hahaha that happened to me too. they were like dood u have no interior!

but they let gay as hell, riced out pieces of shit like v6 mustangs n sunfires with advanced auto wings on them in…

Your car = show car? wtf…

Theonly time I’d consider going is for mustang night.

Otherwise its meh… at best.

It got really busy up there last year, no where to park if you weren’t there early.

i’ll be the first to admit its far from it. I went to mustang night and got turned away at Ford night i believe last year. there were actually some halfway decent Mustangs there at Mustang light IIRC

import side reeks of poor.

lol seriously…

there are some nice muscle up there, but its the same shit you see at duffs and joe’s diner every week. Plus the falls just makes me feel dirty in general, i have to shower when i get back.

The tail, right. If you think 35yo’s with belly flab is sweet to look at, this is the meet for you!

wft is SDR?

from what i hear it will not be at the summit this year

Maybe for the middleagers
but theres plenty of teens running around
and even some jailbait for newman.

Curious?..I’ve never gone to the Cruise nights because well I never got out of work early enough, and I’d like to go, however Id like to roll up with some Z people or Nissan people…or anyone for that matter…


hahaha Hit me up!

Damn I figured they would move it some where closer to civilization this year due to all the complaints and white trash. Oh well I only check it out once a year and would rather see those people stay over their.

Correct. There will be a new location that I will probably hear later today or tomorrow.

I was always told that this Cruise night was a waste of time, but with all the talk of trashy cars that people think are mad tight I want to go laugh now…

fixed it for ya

^Thats just baby fat and most can’t lose all that weight after being pregnant.

that is a given.

i go to people watch. who doesn’t like watching the poor mill about for hours?!

haha i agree i live kinda close to it and i would goto watch people…the best part is the white trash security… they tried booting me out cause i was 18 last year…but yet there was a ton of 13yr old skanks running around…it was a good argument… just ask andy z haha

it is great to watch people there

basically i go there to laugh at the “fast and furious” section and i usually head over to the the muscle section kuz there is usually some really nice cars over there.

i might go to the first one of the year to get a good lol then cruise home its a fun cruise