Shredd And Reagan Cruise Nights

i should have been more specific…it was dropping glass all over the parking lot in an 8X12 space…not LITERALLY ALL OVER THE PARKING LOT! where people were driving…jeez

lol. You’re a piece of shit.

Know how I know you don’t have any money? Cause you spent it all on your little Mazda. I don’t own a car… I have a truck. I don’t have the red one in my sig anymore (which was still better than your car)… I have a newer, bigger and more expensive truck. I don’t feel the need to spend all of my minimum wage check on a little matchbox car… I’d rather own a sweet house with property (check), have a sweet wife (check), have 2 nice vehicles (check), make 3x my age (check) and have enough in savings to buy you’re car 2x over… (check) and not try to swing my little dick around cause I finally bought a new car… or at least took on some huge car payments.
I have 0 credit card debt and only finance my house and my truck.

The only people on here who brag about having money… don’t really have any. Sure they may make money… but they also have huge amounts of debt. Not everyone, for sure, but I’m sure there are people on here who make less than me… and you’d never know it because of our lifestyles. I have a big truck because I’ve already played the car game… in much faster cars than yours… and I play the bike game every summer… 1 bike which cost more than your car new BTW… and now I play with my truck.

No baby-momma here. I’m a responsible adult, who hangs out (mostly) with responsible adults… not the kind to trash someone else’s property… I’ve never brought my wife to that show… she wouldn’t want to be seen with people like you.

So… who brought the shop-vac and cleaned up all the glass? I’d hate for you to trip over your wallet and cut your little knee.

I know you’re new hurr… but you don’t want to play that game with me. It bothers me when people like you… try to talk about “having this or having that” with someone who has it all. (Not in a monetary sense, but I’m so happy with what I have I don’t have to attack people for what they don’t)


you obviously do not know Jack



I’m sure he is a nice guy and all… but this is the site where someone left a car @ Tift and like 30 people were going to call the cops but nothing really happened… but someone can actually bust up a car… in a parking lot… with kids around, and thats acceptable?

If you cleaned it, thats cool. If you left it there, it was still a pretty gay move.

both literally and figuratively. Jack is a stand up guy. Croyishurr, you seem like an ass hat.


Croy seems like he could be a decent guy. I just hate when people make a mess and ruin it for other people. Can’t argue that fact. Croy should have kept it on that subject and not make financial jabs at someone he knows nothing about.

My 403B investment is more than his car payment every month… but he is right… the sticker on my truck was over $45k…

The list goes on. I don’t want to rub it in. Like I said before… after I called him a piece of shit, he could be a decent guy, and just might be… but Croy started it :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice that the S&R cruise night discussion has about as much class as the cruise night itself.

Back on topic now please.

Did we ever get confirmation regarding where it will be this year?

i dont know if i dare enter this post ahh oh well

that show just happened to be in Niagara falls there were very few people with cars there from the falls they were mostly from elsewhere it was the local spectators that made it a mess

really? we cleaned everything up so stop assuming shit. edit Cory, Jack is a really cool guy and very successful.I do see you left out that key part. You both should relax


i love people watching and making fun of peoples shit boxes to there faces. last year they tried to stop me and mickdad from pulling in and i lost it on them. there was a fucking 90s carvan with wheels but they were giving a full built turbo hatch lowered on works and a turbod delsol with civic front end and lowered with wheels a problem? fuck those wanna be security guards. i bet if the show was moved somewhere out of the falls it would have a different crowd. i do plan on going this year to entertain myself watching losers.

they wouldnt let me in at the tim ecuz i wasnt 18 yet??? kinda gay but im kinda glad i didnt go in there was like noone there and the cars there were not so “cool”

yet i see cavi 2 tone paint and you calling cars not cool

I’m one of the 2 guys that are usually there every week. We have a few others than come and help out. And more than a few offer to take pics of the girls.

As for location, I haven’t got the final location yet. I have a meeting with Shredd from 103.3 and Ruben Brown for another project tomorrow so I should have more information soon. I’ll post what I know.

o the 18 thing lmfao. I destroyed one of those redneck guards in an argument. Ok when i was 16 i will admit i went like every week kuz i thought it was sweet. (i was 16 w/e) The year after that, i cam to like the 2nd one and my friend had a 16 year old girl with him and the guard said she couldnt be there. When we asked why he said “because every fight we had last year the people were under 18 and we could loose our liquor license” i was like “i was here every week last year and i never saw one fight” (this was the truth). Then i told him that once you are 16 in NY you are tried as an adult and the rule should be for 16 year old. He told me it didnt matter. I then asked to see his guard card. If you are security at an event and dont have a NY guard card your employer can be fined for lots of money. he told me he let it at home and i told him it was illegeal to walk aruond without it. He told me he was going to get his supervisor and to wait where we were. But as soon as he walked away we dissapeared into the crowd, everyone had a good chuckle.

edit<----Those so called “models” are fuckin digusting. The one was wearing like 4 inch heels and scratched a guys hood with it, i though i was gonna piss my pants laughing.

Why do people keep saying it was in niagara falls.
It was in Weatfield.

because it was right outside of niagra falls and off of the blvd. so it just sticks in people heads that way

nah, corey is a decent man. He thinks before he talks and if he wasnt telling the truth he would not be saying anything. I go to the S&R cruise nights only because of the people i hang out with, so i get in. We go there and keep to ourselves, however, if we wander around over to the “Beer+Burnouts” area, you will find 50-60 year old women with tube tops, 12 year old girls with braces in mini skirts, indians, motorcycle dad’s, more indians, big scary indians, and a few drunk average trailor trash. but yeah, i believe that they picked up theyre shattered glass so chill.

im stupid and don’t know where my own town is, LOL, dont mind me.

Williams road is weatfield.
The summit mall is Weatfield