Shredd & Ragan Cruise pics 6/6/07 with fire

Was a decent turnout tonight at Summit Mall.
I did see a few trucks parked with the classics. I did ask the head of security his policy for what he lets in and what he makes park at the tuner side. Basically if it is lowered or slammed he thought it was a tuner. If it’s jacked up, then he let it in on the classics side. :bloated:
But if it’s an 80’s truck it’s ok.

BTW, he’s not a car guy.

But we got pics up from tonight

Videos will be up at:

The was a Jeep in the pit that caught the back wheel on fire

And a 2003 Mustang that friend his rear brakes

Videos of the fires will be up shortly

were u the guy in the summit hat? i really dont know why the gto gets into the show that yellow ones bone stock and i hope the kid who drives it dies

lol I smell a story

i wont be attending again thisyear… you would think shred and ragan who are car guys would keep things a bit better

Nope, not me. I just walk around and take pics. I have no input on hows its run. I bitch at the guys that let cars in, but if they take my advice, who knows.

But I’m the guy that was in the pit in the brown long sleeve taking pics.
I’m trying to think who was wearing the Summit hat. But most everyone else that works the entrance, vendors, etc are all on the show promoter payroll. Shredd and Ragan have limited power for some things also.

But like I tell people, if you have a gripe with the show, make sure they know.

I saw them turn away some nice trucks that they sent to the tuner side because they were lowered. They considered them tuners. :bloated:

wich is redic as those other s10 were in the otherside. if it wasnt for people watching i would be like the rest of my neighborhood and boycott

The truck they sent to the other side was a clean lowered white 80’s S10 Jimmy with the Chevrolet script emblem from a 57 Chevy. Real nice and clean. Not a damn tuner.

Dude seemed pissed when they told him no. I then told the security guys the truck was NOT a tuner but they argued me. :bloated:

I used to like S+R cruise nights when they were at Runways, now they are kind of weak

I liked it at Runways and Lancaster. I’m not too crazy about the Falls. But they do get a ton more people at Summit Mall. But they also get the Falls locals.

any cars keyed lol

so the mustang friend the brakes and then when glowing red hot they shot it with CO2?

Yup. and almost water :bloated:

someone needs new rotors

let me guess he drove it home then

Saw them letting it cool down, but that looked like their plan.
With the tire that was almost popped.

I rarely listen to them but, I have heard them talk about cars and they don’t know seem to know anything about cars.


Shredd does, Ragan doesn’t