Sick/Clean Engine Bay

Yeah shits siiick!

Damn… beat me to the NRE engine bays. Tom Nelson’s builds are out of control.

thank you sir, here is m0ar

the nelson ,twin turb vette is a animal esp for a dog lt1

Most people probably wont know why this is pretty sick but Ill post it anyways

twin charged? (snail and a SC)

I see no turbo, my guess is that some super crazy JDM supercharger.

mad jdm my friend

paint so wet it looks sweaty

^doesn’t belong in this thread

+1, cluttered as FUCK

agreed. wait… :wtf we agreed on something?

Lmao @ Pete’s cluttered failness

hopefully the mods can get that out of here before the thread is ruined forever

Pete… da FUCK is that shit? :lol

IT’S A BUSCHUR CAR ZOMG!!!112111111!!! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! SO CL3ANNNN

The Green Supra does it for me! Very motivating posts right there

Im gonna keep my AC so my bay will always have some clutter.


nice edit.