March 20, 2009, 8:25am
thank you nicole for telling me about this thread.
you obviously all know this other tools side of the story. unfortunately it isnt true. i was trying to work a deal with him for the taillights, yes. i NEVER received any payment for them. i sold them locally over a month ago to a guy off unysoc. i put up turbo for sale thread and this guy goes hunting for any post of mine he can find to say i scammed him. YET AGAIN, i never received ANY payment from him. if i had he would have gotten the taillights. i reported his harassing posts to admin and mods on nasioc but they havent done anything about it yet. im sure because of my local rep. none of you believe me or dont want to believe what i have to say but the simple truth is it didnt go down like hes claiming. ive said my peace. believe what you will. good day.
So the guy manifested a scanned check that was obviously cashed in and stamped by the bank upon being cashed out of no where? Banks just dont cash/stamp and scan checks because they feel like it…