: Sigh : Why can't the Travis insanity ever end? NASIOC scammer thread...

awwww i hope they let u keep it so we can buy it and put it in waynes world

:‘(:’( Adam can you ask them how much to buy it back if they want to take it. :excited:thumbup


This Post just to subscribe :slight_smile:

He stole your laptop!

^^ hahaha.

he wouldnt have the money to get down to New Orleans to steal it… and even if he did, he’d have to sell it to get money to get back to NY

I’m debating on moving this to “Epic”

This went from “Epic” to “Legendary” back around page 12…

Another one. Man you people are killin me. lol.

LOL!!! :rofl:rofl

Now thats saying something!

sorry to be OT but I got linked to this thread from unysoc and noticed your sig/location.
do you work there or just live in selkirk? (i work there, thats why im wondering)

awesome! a visitor! just to see the failvis antics!

aint it like going to the zoo!?!?!??! :eek:thumbup


Thats what PM’s are for. Now back to Failvis epicness!

No you see… He stole it, went to an internet cafe, sold it on some website, got the money in his paypal, dident ship it, then sold it to some asshole on the street and profited

And benny’s post is up.

dude this thread is VERY epic

so i moved it…

i went looking in the epic section to find it in the first place then was disappointed when i found it in battlefield :smiley:

Can you post pictures next to definitions in urban dictionary hahaha

thatd be awsome
