: Sigh : Why can't the Travis insanity ever end? NASIOC scammer thread...

No, he wants to make a grille out of the front of the car.

I’m gonna turn it into a barbecue if they tell Adam it’s cool to dispose of it how he wants.

Bank never came. I called them this afternoon to verify and they said the adjuster wasn’t going to make it today. Might take up to a week to get someone here(weeks time will be next monday)

Trust me, I won’t let this epic tale end without a 4th of july style blowout. They’re supposed to call me the day they are coming out here, at which point I’ll be certain to setup the tripod for some good shots and maybe a video :rofl

Shift meet? Too bad most of us will probably be working. Id love to see the adjuster’s reaction and shit.

im on spring break, so im free

i so want to be there for that Adam. LOL

Adam you think the adjuster would be mad if half of shift was there?

I’m thinking more in the nervous or scared spectrum…

Wow Travis neg repped me for my “I wanna be cool and play golf” comment pages back.

You people tear him a part and I say I want to play golf and I get neg repped


i just neg repped you for complaining about being negatively repped

I just neg repped you for neg repping srsbzns for complaining about being negatively repped.

I thought travis was having his account deleted? Guess not

Hopefully Vlad wont do it for him

I hope they don’t do it for him. If he would just stop being a fuckup the problem would be solved. :ohnoes

I hope they don’t delete it and Singh just keeps e-mailing him…“Hi, us here at Shift518 have noticed you haven’t been on lately, we now have a new attraction, Failvis’ long string of fail!”


Did this make RSPEED? :lol

this is mikes dad…

cait wait to hear what the bank says about this lol

x2 :rofl