sightings lately

its been twice now ive rode thru and see a few cars down at Roswell Dr. nothing special just some compacts and seen some tire marks down there. seems like they are running opposite as they did years ago. both times been somewhat late. ill keep and eye out for more sightings. it might just be starting to start up again who knows tho

“REAL” runs or just some young punk kids who watched too much FnF?

like i said just some compacts, not sure what they run or anything. just twice now they been sitting down there behind the barriers. and in the day light you can see tire marks. no dark marks as in heavy burnouts.

could just be some young kids but only time will tell

Hm…time to go show em what pittspeeed boys can do maybe?:beer:

surface still sucks now if ppl can influence the new crook then it might have a chance again

bet they brought there time slips with them

this kid at sheetz one night told me they race down there… He was in an avenger, and his buddy had a neon. So i am sure its insane racing!

I have raced a few times going the other way, just hate the bend and if I remember correctly there was always alot of gravel there.

Crafton is over with, Let it go :zzz:

Try telling those kids that:bowrofl: “Ricers…the new generation of crafton”

you talk like you were the first generation to be down there… crafton will never die in my book. The priceless stories I have from down there, I can’t wait to see the look on my kids faces when I tell them

Um…u never knew me when i came down there along time ago john and i was never into cars as i am now…think b4 u speak:dunno: :bigok:

Unless you grew up in the 70s…

did u Mr.First gen?:stick: i beleive ur younger than me,aren’t u?:eek3:


i never said i did… but I sure know a lot of old heads that did!

I see…lol. I used to go their somtimes in high school and Jr.high i remeber a few that talked about it,my buddy used to run his stang their as well as his s-10/syclone

wansnt any syclones thier :kekegay:

LOL…weather wise as well as truck wise…it was blue:blue: