Street Racing: Sunday nights

Does anyone go down to Crafton anymore on Sunday nights to run. I was passing through the other day so i figured I would check out the strip. It appears that there are alot of tire marks down there at the starting line. I’d like to stop down if its still going on.
If so, do the cops bother anyone anymore?

Thanks guys

nope, no one really goes theres anymore and the dip is worse than ever and the road is shit.

yeah the dip is just to bad to race down there anymore. If I am in the area I will roll through to bring back memories.

that is also now a known business park. some furinture place is there along with a warehouse for a clothing store. they have watchman out in shacks overviewing it at night.

also they put bumps on every section of cement. the days of crafton have came to an end years ago


long live Area 51

this thread sucks i want crafton back damn it


its dead and gone forever. long live the dip