Sign at the Galleria.

lol. good old ray. i know exactly who you are talking about. i don’t think he’s still employeed by best buy. i haven’t seen him in weeks.

no, he got arrested for theft in the store. he’s now in jail.


All about the bling factor cracka’


lol yes, ray ray also claimed that nikon is good “cause dey been making camras for a loong time” as well as stating they all work on batteries, thank god everything else i was looking at needed a 110v source

Too bad hes gone, i would have loved to have bought an item from ray ray.

RIP ray. he was one of the best.

towards the end of his best buy career, he was wondering why he was only getting 4 hours a week. i actually LOL’d when he mentioned it to me.

last conversation i ever had with him…word for word:
him: “yo, dan. you know dey only giving me fo hours a week.”
me: “you don’t say” :lol:
him: “word…dey did me dirty.”
me: “they sure did.”

Did you put your arm around him during that conversation? cause i could otally see that.

no. i stood in my department (appliances), and he stood in his shiny camera department 10 feet away. ray ray wasn’t the type you put your arm around. he was more the type you stood about 10 feet away from.

That made me giggle.

Newman you should have bought the shiny one just to bring it back cause ray rays prediction of it being shiny = better was invalid.

he ended up with a nice camera all things considered…mostly the fact that it was black and not shiny…then of course his knowledgable sales associate ray ray.

I actually have been looking at that same camera for a while, found it for around $360 i just need to pull the trigger and buy the thing.

lol i was the one looking for a cam when this went down. he wasnt even standing on the same side of the island, he was on the other side and pointing to the shiney one.

he also said the picture was really good on the sony and tried to take a pic with it, problem was there was no memory in it. but IRreguardless the pic would have looked the fucking same after it was captured as it did when he took it. lol


i LOL’d

I thought the funny part was that the “cheesecake factory” arrow it pointing at “Dicks”

there’s a best buy in walden now?

as of september, yes.

I noticed the ATM is near the white parking
what up wit dat???