People of Walmart.


In the few times I have been to walmart I have seen much worse.


what a fantastic website!

omg this will keep me entertained for a while the next time i’m at work haha

Wow this is great. I think I’m gonna go mullet hunting now…

lmao awesome

Had an idea for a game, like the photo scavenger hunt we should take pics of hilarity @ walmarts. This will keep me laughin for a little.

ive been thinking of this for a while… how should we play? name some ridiculous and see who can get the best picture of it? For example: dyke with a mullet.

That or make it a game of one upping the previous photo. I mean really its walmart, you could spend ALL DAY in there an come out with a photo goldmine. Esp the one on walden.

I think one day when I’m bored I’m going to do this. I’m sure there are some goodies at the one in Dunkirk.

ugh…that’s just wrong.

there is already a game around called walmart bingo

Find the info, and lets play already!

LOL @ the free square. So true.

My god

Great. Just great. I love shitty people.

and u tought Wal-Mart was bad.

“Rat Tail” Hair Style

Anyone go to 67 West last night? How about the random 50 year old walking from group to group giving high fives?