People of Walmart.

Damn. Lmao.

So you’d actually have to go inside a Walmart?

Yeah, fuck that.

my favorite part of working there way back, was all the JB.
Delicious, tasty, JB.

not to mention i was in the photo lab… so i got the nudey JB too…
couldn’t sell those though… but mhmmmmm.

hahaha. this thread is full of win.

great work Dawn!

Sometimes to go for the gold you gotta take one for the team.

Can’t beat walmarts grocery prices, they trump tops and wegmans, and i wouldnt be caught dead in aldis.

Can’t beat 2 for $10 for DVD’s. I would go to Walmart once a week to rummage through their movie bin. I have found some awesome movies.

i could clear the walmart bingo board in a normal day at tops… and i work in EA…

I can clear it in a normal day on nyspeed.

Too poor to support a local business? Fine, it sounds like you’re pretty huge and you probably eat a ton of food- every penny counts. But to act like you’re way above going to Aldis when you’re shopping with cheapasses like yourself at Walmart? Lame.

Whatever floats your goat.

lol @ being too good for aldis, but walmart is just spiffy enough.

if you’re buying shit food that frozen and processed then go wherever is cheapest… if you want good produce and selection then wegmans wins for me. If I’m at walmart for mobil one, the sure I’ll grab some shampoo, OJ, milk or whatever I need.

and this website is great… they need one for aldis also.

I shop at walmart for food b/c there is nothing else in springville

What about Tops?

I dont eat a shit ton of food, ive lost alot of weight.
I shop at walmart because the extra 100$ can buy me something automotive related. You can over pay for shit all you want.
The only shit I buy from wegmans, is dasani and thier spinach pesto basil wraps. Because they make excelent tuna wraps.

I buy my ground beef at tops, and all other meat from a butcher.
Now question, why the fuck would I pay 3$ a can of chunky vegtable soup, when its 1.50 at walmart?

As far as aldis, fuck that place. Been once and it was filthy, disorganized and way worse then walmart. Ofcourse I only shop at walmart after midnight, I dont like crowds, or lines, or people for that matter.

So yes, Yes I’ll continue to not over pay for food, when I already over pay for, gas, insurance and taxes, thanks to new york state.

You may enjoy bending over, but I dont.

tops is gay

I can vouch this guy has lost some LBS

I would have to agree. Why would you overpay if there was a choice? Sure supporting a local business is a good thing, but if their prices aren’t nearly as competitive, then Ill shop elsewhere.

Every store has good and bad things. If you gotta have something and its 2am, walmart springville ftw. If you want the best produce, wegmans. Every place has something it does well/better than others. And really in the end, just shop wherever the fuck you want.

I love this website. Would 400GB of monthly bandwidth be enough to host it?

Full of win. :tup:

Aldi’s is the shit.

Alright, I need a headline and a tagline to submit this beaut. Found in the Albion Walmart