Signature Suggestion

I suggest that signatures appear once per page…instead of every post…is there a way t do that

Yes there is a way… need to check with Daddie, it’s a vbulletin thing.

i second that idea good thinking

Scroll about halfway down:

You have the option to show or hide various elements of messages, which may be of use to users on slow internet connections, or who want to remove extraneous clutter from posts.Show Signatures
Show Avatars
Show Images (including attached images and images in [IMG] code)

Best thing evaR.

Scroll about halfway down:

i love my new sig…

yeah thats dumb

its not a matter of being slow…it just wastes more space if 1 user posts more than once

You fickle bastards :


haaa haaaaaa…well u should have kept it that wy

i dont do it for loading speed, i do it because I dont need to see everybodies photoshopped shit on every single god damned post :slight_smile:

That, and it makes it far better to surf @ work. :wink:

See: Way2Slows Sig & Av.