signing up for school..need advice


follow your dreams and don’t settle. if you’re a hard worker which you probably are, stick with what you’re good at and take it to the top…if you go to school, make sure you don’t let your career slip up, or school slip up, as a result.



That’s what He’s doing, And It’s what I am doing next year.

It’s such a personal dilemma. I mean, yeah, pros, cons - but you’re the one who has to live with it.

I’d look at it more globally. If I were in your position, I would prolly concentrate on socking away some $ in a Roth/401(k) so you’re at least getting ahead in some aspect of life. I would never regret any $ saved for retirement.

But I think anyone should do that, to some degree.

Dude, what it really comes down to - is where do you see yourself in 10yrs? If you don’t know what you want, you’re going to have to settle with what life hands you. Man up and start thinking about the future, and point yourself in that direction. We have no idea what jobs you might want to go to school for. I don’t know what you can get out of this thread without isolating that goal.