This may seem ridiculous to post on a board. But i am so lost right now…
I am 21 years old. I have no college credits. I know that I need to get back in school, and want to start up part time working around work in the fall. I get tuition reimbursement of up to $3000 per year.
The problem is that I have absolutely so idea what I want to do with my life. I have no ideas as to what I want to do for a career. I don’t even have the slightest idea of what I should go to take courses and what to take?!?!
I went to school in the fall of 2003 at Villa Maria College for Graphic Design, but withdrew because I felt like I didn’t belong there, and didn’t like what I was getting into.
I am not necesarrily looking for someone to tell me what exactly I should do, but if anyone can point me in the right direction, it’d be so appreciated.
Well…think about what your likes are? what people tell you you are good at? what jobs u have had that you liked and could see yourself doing something similar or in the field?
i was the same way. when you go though the course catalog at whichever school you choose, take some calsses that look interesting, and take a variety of them. eventually you will stumble upon something you like. when i started college, i was sure as hell i wanted to go into communications and marketing, but after taking a coupple of classes, i absolutely hated it. I took a law class because at the time i needed a class to fill my schedule and it seemed pretty easy, but after taking it and a few more law classes, i really got into it and thats my major now. im actually thinking about changing it again and getting into something else, but thats not set in stone yet. but one piece of advice i can give you, is whatever you set out to ‘be’ in college, you won’t end up doing that as a career.
19, and what i kind of meant by that is dont go into school with your heart set on doing one thing. dont force yourself through engineering school just because you want to be an engineer. if you dont like what you thought you would, do something you do like. i know personally, i’d rather go to a job everyday that i like rather than go to a job i hate everyday and take home a little more money.
then just do what you want, because 90% of what you need to learn about a job, they either teach you in the first couple weeks, or you learn in a couple of months by being there.
anything you can do that you can cite as real-world experience
there are so many HR, business, all kinds of crazy opportunities down here starting at like 35K+ - but you need at least basic business experience
almost makes me wish i had a business degree. wait… no
yeah, mikeRi24… thanks for paraphrasing. some people know what they wanna do earlier on in school. i consider myself rare and fortunate to be one of these people… and i found a LOT of different careers, pursued more knowledge about them - only to find out i hated them. a lot of career shit is eliminating things you know you don’t wanna do for oh, like 45yrs
why don’t you try taking a personality/career test. I think alot of area colleges provide those or maybe just google it and find one online. It usually tells you what you are most likely good at or atleast what fields you are most likely to succeed at. you never know though…I went to school for education and now i’m a legal assistant at a law firm lol…so don’t feel so locked in. good luck Steve