Sileighty Pics Request...!


Fail x2

coupes over hatches

Jared you fail and hatchs over coupes EVERY DAY ALL DAY!!!
and the word of the day is… hadahatchgottahatchcoupessuckcock.LOL :slight_smile:

Stop being so fucking insecure about your cars guys. Being Asian is the most superior race in the world but i don’t go around saying white people suck do I?

It’s all about preference.

hahahahaha insecure

I hope you dont mean mark :smiley:

Calm down Mark…i’ll give you a hug.

The definition of epic:

Not a hatch however.

that car was in modified



looks like the owner of this car owned a vdub before, just let the favour from it

The full story:

Don’t mean to ruin the thread but it’s the same thing as people who have PS3s saying that xbox’s suck, etc. People need to learn to appreciate other things.

Yeah I love hatches too but I own a coupe… hatches have something my coupe doesnt have… ie: room, conveinence.

and a perfect flowin bodylines :slight_smile: LOL JK i <3 both types

Nice I guess one of my toys is a sil80 as well.

Also my brother owns Konvokiller’s old car, it’s getting all the much needed love and care since it was in very sad shape even before Chris owned it. He has it fully stripped down doing all the bodywork, rewiring, engine work etc etc.

Hatches are my fav.
However, coupes can look even dirtyyyy…-er

sil-eighty’s, sil-40’s are gay, look dumb, and a waste of cash that could be used on cooler stuff like actual decent wheels.

Keep silvia fronts on coupes please, they dont belong on hatch backs.

For example:

turned into:

10x better imo

Aero somewhat helps, but oem bumpers are ugly as hell on sileighty’s.

Well thank you for your opinion but that is all that is. Nothing looks “Better” because it is all in the eyes of the beholder. Im sure there are a lot of things that you have done that I or others could say is a wast of time, but then that also would not matter because what I like has nothing to do with your likes. Lets keep an open mind here. He asked for pic’s, not what everyone thinks of everything.

benson, hes new and im just giving him friendly advice and saving him time and money. I’d understand if yeah maybe he got into a car accident and his front end was damaged good, but its not.

its pointless to do a sil-eighty. I mean like tell me if this sounds logical:

"Im gunna ditch my perfectly good front end, and throw on a most likely mashed up, different colour front end on instead because I think it looks cool when in reality it doesnt look any better.
Oh wow, now i have a front end that no one will buy because its worthless, so now my garage or shed is full. Now time to paint so I my car doesnt look like a POS (unpaited sil-eighty’s look like a pile of aids btw).
Alright awesome, i have successfully wasted $1700 on a front end and the difference in paint is noticeable, that doesnt make my car any cooler.
Now to fix my 4x4 ride height and sunken battle ship wheels so my car doesnt look like this:

Or you could go the smart road and buy yourself coils and wheels:

.white240. knows what im talking about, his car has gotten 20x better since he bought it. He even said that sileighty’s were gay.

Name one person who’s done a sil-eighty, sold it, crashed it, or parted it and put together another one.

Heres my list of people who realized and went the smart route:

you will join this list benson wether you like it or not.

PS. im not trying to be an ass or anything, i still love you. But ugh i cant stand sil-eighty’s.

thanks, I am not going to join that list because when my car is sold I will not be getting another 240sx.

am i glas i put the front end on through, Yes. At first I also was not a fan but now I really do like it.

when it comes to car I am the stron believer that the only thing that matters is what you the owner really like. I am not being agressive here also as I am sure you know