The GLB act had a veto-proof majority in the Republican congress anyway. Clinton only signed it so he wouldn’t look like an obstructionist
The good news is the effects of Reaganomics ought to take hold soon and pull us out of the depression Obama is making with all of his spending.
nah Reaganomics took hold in the Clinton era. The bush presidency killed the economy because that was when Clintonomics kicked in. Bush’s tax cuts from 2001 are going to be what pulls us out of the depression. It just takes time people!
I dunno. I think you’re overestimating how quickly economic policy shows effect. At one point ecoshardcore had linked this recession to Jimmy Carter.
Yeah, the downturn in the market could just be backlash from Watergate.
I blame Lincoln. :uhh:
Peyton Randolph caused the depression.
someone on BF.c wrote like a 10 page paper on how this was all Lincolns fault…
lol I suppose with 10 pages you could form an argument that it’s all my fault if you really wanted to.
hmm, i could see lincoln.
Lincoln kept the South part of the US.
GLB act was constructed mainly by Southern Republicans.
The majority of the housing bust was in the South and Southwest.
it is your fault…
Dammit! Sorry!
While that whole article is weak, these sentences in the opening paragraphs belong in a High School AP composition paper…
President Barack Obama knows Americans are unhappy that their taxes will be used to rescue people who bought mansions beyond their means.
Even officials in his administration, many supporters of the plan in Congress and the Federal Reserve chairman expect some of that money will go to people who used lousy judgment.
really?.. lousy?
Or are you just saying that Obama’s really got your goat? :rimshot:
Thank you! I’ll be here all week! Try the lamb![/quote]
hey fry would that not be the sheep? lol!