Silly Obama

This is the best rebuttal the Republicans can muster?

Silly Associated Press.

The Clinton administration championed an easing of banking regulations, including legislation that ended the barrier between regular banks and Wall Street banks. That led to a deregulation that kept regular banks under tight federal regulation but extended lax regulation of Wall Street banks. Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, later an economic adviser to candidate Obama, was in the forefront in pushing for this deregulation.

This bill, the Gramm Leach Bliley act, was Phil Gramm’s baby, not Robert Rubin. Phil Gramm was McCain’s top economic advisor.

Why would we need one? he is accedently the US just fine. Nothing else needs to be said.

JEG + Politics

I’m just going to ignore this post ever happened.

But he is not in office.

Right, because Obama > McCain.

Hmm, lets review. Polling after the speech showed 92% approved of it, 8% disapproved. 85% felt more optimistic after vs. 11% less, in a speech that wasn’t sugarcoated about the current situation. Critical reviews are nearly unanimously positive:

This also made me really hopeful that Bobby Jindal will be the Republican nominee in 2012. Not only does he talk to Americans in a tone like they’re 4 years old, and keep saying, “AMERICANS CAN DO ANYTHING” in a kindergarten teacher like manner, but the only thing he could muster up was the old tired argument about tax cuts. Here we have our new President delivering speeches that are called the most inspiring from a President in tough times since FDR’s fireside chats, and the best response they can muster is a kindergarten teacher telling me we can do anything, even cut taxes for the rich!

“An organized mind at work is a wonderful thing to watch. During his address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night, President Barack Obama placed the mind of his presidency on display, and it was wonderfully organized. The speech–a State of the Union stand-in–presented a clear, mostly left-of-center agenda for his presidency and a series of forceful rationales for his proposed actions. Obama offered all this up with a now-familiar fair dose of charm and grace. It’s been years since any BMOC in Washington has presented such an extensive and well-articulated plan for–dare one say it–change.”

^^ I would rather see a strong opposition than this pathetic nonsense. It is never conducive for one party to dominate gov’t for too long and the Republicans really need to get their act together.

While we are distracted, fighting over whose fault it is the government in general(Both parties) is stealing trillions of dollars from us. Great diversion guys.

Yep. He even mentioned it. That bastard.

Finally, because we’re also suffering from a deficit of trust, I am committed to restoring a sense of honesty and accountability to our budget. That is why this budget looks ahead 10 years and accounts for spending that was left out under the old rules – and for the first time, that includes the full cost of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Applause.) For seven years, we have been a nation at war. No longer will we hide its price. (Applause.)

Oh noes! Are the gubberments keeping it in a swiss account or the Cayment Islands? Or do they have a big vault that they swim in Scrooge McDuck stylez?

Bahhhh. Baaaaahh



All I want to add is that someone should punch Nancy in the face. Every 5 fucking seconds she stood up clapping like a hungry seal begging for fish. All this talk about efficiency in govt. and they can’t even get through a 20 min. speech in under and hour.

I think that even Obama was thinking JESUS ENOUGH! as he could never even get his point out before the puppet congress jumped up from their seats and groveled at him.

Or are you just saying that Obama’s really got your goat? :rimshot:

Thank you! I’ll be here all week! Try the lamb!

Wow, I typically respect the Associated Press but that is one hell of a mistake.

I think I have a reasonably established reputation here of being a liberal Democrat.

I think Nancy Pelosi is a moron.

That is all.