"The economic crisis and raw politics threatened to derail the first presidential debate as John McCain challenged Barack Obama to delay Friday’s event to work on the financial crisis. Obama rebuffed the plea, saying presidents need to “deal with more than one thing at once.”
“This is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who, in approximately 40 days, will be responsible for dealing with this mess,” Obama said in Clearwater, Fla. “It’s going to be part of the president’s job to deal with more than one thing at once.”
the fact of the matter is he is NOT president as of yet and IS a senator still with duties to perform for the good of the country. with the current financial crisis our economy is going through it DAMN WELL SHOULD be focused upon and SHOULD be more important than some fuckin gay ass pole smoking political debate.
dont forget, Mccain buys american… while atleast 4 of the cars he owns are foreign… a VW bug, some hondas and a toyota… yup, buy american, sure thing mr mccain.
Fuck it, Shawn, your a fucking idiot. There I said it. You do not get it, cant be told nor taught, so I wont try. But, for the benefit of others, McCain is no prize, Obama is a socialist and we’re fucked economywise for a bit.
The reason to delay is multi-pronged. First, they are meeting with the President tomorrow, who wants to discuss the situation with each of them, since one of them will be President. Prudent. Secondly, if they are preparing for a meeting of such importance, and the congress needs to get together to act NOW, THIS WEEKEND, then who’s gonna give a shit about the debate. Whats the difference Shawn, now, or next week? What? Whats so important? Are you licking your proverbial chops, so you can listen to public broadcasting and liberal media hoot and holler how Barrack is fluent and strong and convicted and McCain is old and feeble and out of touch? You’ll get yours in due time, put down the popcorn and chill. There are bigger things at hand. You and your cronies can leap around as the media continues their crap of tearing into McCain and Palin, and if you succeed in getting your way Nov.4, I will only giggle as your bragged about lifestyle and income get depleted and handed to those that didn’t work as hard in life.
Then I will be sad, sad for the rest of the Americans who will lose some of their traditions, income and security.
The task at hand is huge, and the decisions that will come at the hands of the current and future president, as well as congress, will effect all of us, for the rest of our lives. And your gonna go fuckin throwing politics into it and say McCain was owned? Mt friend, you are owned. Owned by the leftest bullshit kool-aid.
This is a moment for a little unity. (as evidenced by my opening few sentences)
All I know is both major canditates are both part of a government that seems to think that everything has to be done one way or another black or white, there is no compromise in their eyes. To me that is no way to run a country full of people with incredibly diverse views. We need to get back to what this country was founded on. I will be voting but neither of those two are getting my vote.
jammer whats up with the gospel twist that lady put on our National Anthem. it sounded terrible. Francis Scott Key would be rolling in his grave if he heard His words sung in such a tone
id rather see bill clinton in the office and cheaton his wife again, then to have either party become president. since thats not gunna happen im still for mc cain
i hope for my former brothers in arms that a republican goes to office to keep their salaries atleast what they are now, since i know first hand they Earn it each and every day