silveradomans 9 second track star
the size difference…
stock sc4 121…ill have upated pics later
nitrous on/off switch
the happy button or as big red would call it “go-baby-go” button
solenoids and fuel pump tucked up under the side panel
nozzles directly into the throttle bodies… = no sound on takeoff…no airbox gurgle either
dirty ass k&n’s…
chaincase torn apart to change tracks
old track being taken out and replaced
this is a build thread for all you haters out there that dont like fast sleds…its a 2007 mach z 1000 sdi…setting it up for the asphault…hoping for a 9.99 or under on motor and a 9.49 or under on spray…the nitrous system is a compucar wet system…it uses a secondary fuel supply and filters along with 2 2.5 lb bottles…ill have more pics of that later…

this is your track star lololol

fuck that turd

who,s dirtbike is that ?

a friend of mine…i didnt even realize it snuck in the photo…so whatta ya think ??? u wanna run it??

ill race it , just let me get my shit back from the machine shop lolol

gonna do a gear change…gonna leave the chain…the chain is the least of my worries…gotta have a belt that wont slip in order to bust a chain…id be more worried about a clutch or a bottom end coming apart…or melting a piston

you running that sc4 skid? just planning to strap it way down?

what do you do for cooling? I never paid much attention to the grass/asphalt setups. I am interested! GL with it man!

what ya gonna do for lubing the sliders on the track ? i made a makeshift luber out of a old washer pump that pumped a water ? dish soap mix or even a tire mounting lube onto the slides for a friend that asphalut draged it

the suspension gets completely changed to run the skinnier track…i used parts from a 440 mxzx to do it right…it gets strapped down as far as possible…as far as cooling goes i use a coolers cart and cool down the antifreeze using a cooker with copper coils and s pump and quick connects…the slides get taken out and extra wheels are put in place to disperse the weight…john that sounds pretty cobbed but i suppose that would work…if you were missing teeth…jkjk man…

Nice asshole comment.

missing teeth eh ? hmmmm my friends sled was in the 7,s but he had no missing teeth nor do i .

sick build rado man…i love assphault sleds.

Id listen to Jon though he knows his shit when it comes to powersports.
Idk about his knowledge with cars though lol

john i think it would work on grass but on the asphault i dont have slides so i dont need lubrication…that and i wudnt wanna risk getting anything on the pavement…u know im just busting ur balls…im excited to see what itll run…thanks pauly…its coming together nicely waiting on some parts to finish it up…might have it at the track this month…would like to pick a day thats somewhat cool to start with…gotta get it to the dyno on c16 and a bigger shot before i go too crazy with it but i wanna lnow what it runs on on motor on pump and a small shot…

ditto on the cooling.

about the sliders… since the track doesnt want anything spilled on it, I dont see how Johns system was allowed. Not taking sides big boy, just saying. I am interested to see how the “pro’s” do it.

the sled i did did was for grass , i forget that the asphault guys do run small bogey wheels in place of the sliders

Sell me your old track!

that track is going in my grass sled

Then find me a 121x15, you run across them more then I would.