silvia front end VS flip lights?

as some of you may know i got into a car accident and totaled my bumper etc. i found a s13 silvia front end for my car fairly cheap, as well as a flip light front end. just wondering your opinions on both and which i should get. i really like flip lights, but the silvia front end is also nice. any comments?

I would go with the silvia front end. There are not to many sil40s in edmonton that i know of right now and it would make your car stand out. Plus they are just cool 8)

Pop ups rock!!!

i love pop ups

silvia hot but i like sleepy eyes too

on a hatch stay with pop ups.

Pop ups kick ass.

I love popups, but a Silvia front end would stand out.

I cant decide which I like more

Like stated above, on a hatch stick with popups or it kills the entire line of the car, goes from smooth smooth smooth to bam 90 degree angles. To me only coupes look fantastic with the Silvia Front.

stick with the pops, just lose the pig nose front…

On a hatch it is either pop-up’s or an S15 front end. They both have smooth flowing lines like the rest of the car.

If you stay with pop ups convert to a 91-93 front end never really liked the pignose.

Buy the Silvia front end and trade me for my Chuki pop up front end :lol:

I’m partial to the S13 silvia on the hatchback. It just looks so mean :E

B-Wurm :smiley:

i have had both, and in the end back to pop ups 8)

yeah go flip ups! ( i want my car to be somewhat rare :stuck_out_tongue: )

here’s my sil40 if it does any convincing :lol:

with the wheels