Silvia Or Pop UP

Ok heres the story i have a ton of silvia parts, but i like the popup lights to, and yes i care what people to think, so my question to you guys are which one do you like better? Silvia Or Poplights?

This is the bumper i got

And this is the other option pop up with that aero(brandon please dont mind me using this pic)

half the people like pop ups half the people like silvia lights…make ur own decision.




Dude really its up to you …who are you trying to please??“yes you do care what people think” what people?what the fuck does that even mean ? before asking these questions why dont you ask yourself what you want in your own car casue in the end noone really gives a shit what your car looks like, you are the one who drives it.becasue what looks good to one person…wont look good to another.

they are both BEAUTIFUL


if i could i’d own them both…

quite interesting because in Japan, the coupes are stock
Silvia front ends, and here in Canada we have the pop up lights,
so it happens that the craze with silvia frontend conversions here, could
be compared to how in Japan they look @ pop ups lights on their
coupes…cuz it’s seen as different, but we could find them usual here.

Silvia front ends look Sexy on hatchbacks, but most likely
I’d stick with 180sx pop up lights…just because they’re retro
and there aren’t much cars out with them now, that a NO for
all the new cars!

in the end, it’s your call bro :wink:

Pop up. You should trade me your silvia front end for my pop up front end.

lol good point redline!
in japan, silvias with 180 front ends are called onevias

Wow isn’t this thread informative.

why would you base your car on other peoples decisions as to your own?
if you want pop up lights then do it, if you want Silvia then do it. if you wanna combine the two then do what enzo did, pop up lights without the pop up
but honestly, Silvia is the way to go, only if you rock a good front end…stock Silvia front end is weks0s and for the armatures :slight_smile:


p.s keyboard acting up

Why is this even in Technical?

Should admins start imposing bans for posing in the wrong section??

You can’t live life asking what other people like , because life is going to be boring , stand out , be different… put a Shelby Serires 1 front end on :slight_smile:

Do you also ask your mom what kind of underwear you should wear everyday?


Yes i do for a matter-a-fact, do you have a problem with that? LMFaO